Monthly Archives: March 2008

Yanagisawa Iseki – Kyushu and Osaka Bay style halberds unearthed together

Out of the seven Yayoi-period ritual-use bronze halberds (銅戈) uncovered in 2007 at the Yanagisawa Iseki (柳沢遺跡) in Nakano city, Nagano prefecture, one was announced on February 29, 2008, as being of Kyushu Style (九州型; seen wrapped in plastic in the lower left of the picture below), while the remaining six are of Osaka Bay Style (大阪湾型; the six blades at the top of the picture). The blades measure from 22-36 centimeters long.

(Picture source)

The two sherds to the right of the plastic bag are from a doutaku (銅鐸; bronze bell) also unearthed at the same site.

Kyushu Style halberds are found mostly in northern Kyushu, but have turned up in Shikoku (Kouchi prefecture) and the Chuugoku region (Hiroshima and Tottori prefectures), as well. The singular find at the Yanagisawa Iseki marks the first time a Kyushu Style halberd has appeared that far east; in addition, this is the first time Kyushu Style halberds have been unearthed alongside Osaka Bay halberds in Japan.

“Green” is northern Kyushu, home to the aptly named Kyushu Style halberds;

“Red” marks the central home of the Osaka Bay Style halberds; and

“Blue” marks Nakano city, Nagano prefecture, where a ritual-weapons cache was uncovered containing both styles (a domestic first).

With no Kyushu Style halberds unearthed in the Kinki region (Osaka-Nara-Kyoto), it is a mystery as to why a piece skipped over central Japan and appeared at the Yanagisawa Iseki. Professor Ishikawa Hideshi (石川日出志) posits a possible connection, whether direct or indirect, between Kyushu and Kita Shinano (北信濃).

The Kyushu Style halberd measures 34.4 centimeters and is decorated with a herringbone design (ayasugimon 綾杉文) resembling a cedar leaf. Dating from around the 2nd century BC, the blade is of the relatively slender chuubosogata (中細形) variety.

For reference, THIS is a Middle Yayoi chuubosogata Kyushu Style halberd decorated with a herringbone design (provenance unknown, but unrelated to the Yanagisawa Iseki find).

THIS, however, is an example of a Late Yayoi hirogata (広形) variety, which has a much wider blade (believed to have come from Fukuoka prefecture, Kyushu).

Two doutaku (銅鐸) sherds were uncovered at the Yanagisawa Iseki, as well. Removing the dirt revealed a ryuusuimon (流水文; a running/flowing water pattern) design on the body (the area labeled “身” in the diagram below). Based on the edge along the top of the (nonfunctional) “handle” (the gaien “外縁” area of the tsurite “吊り手” below), it belongs to the gaientsukichuushiki 1 (外縁付紐式1式) variety. This style of doutaku appeared in the early Middle Yayoi period and belongs chronologically to the second type in the evolution of the doutaku:

1. Hishikanchuushiki (菱環鈕式; middle Early Yayoi)

2. Gaienchuushiki or gaientsukichuushiki (外縁鈕式 or 外縁付紐式; early Middle Yayoi)

3. Henpeichuushiki (偏平鈕式; middle Middle Yayoi)

4. Tossenchuushiki (突線鈕式; late Middle Yayoi to Late yayoi)

(Picture source; bronze bell unrelated to Yanagisawa Iseki find)

Having encountered the Kyushu Style blade so far from home, specialists now realize that they must widen their gaze from the Kinki region westward to Kyushu in their study of bronze items, reflecting the reality of supraregional relations and trade.

The Yanagisawa Iseki:

For additional discussion of the site and its cache, see HERE.

九州型と大阪湾型銅戈同時出土 全国初 中野の柳沢遺跡

3月1日(土) [2008]







2月29日23時8分配信 読売新聞 [2008]






銅戈は「九州型」と判明 東日本で初、長野柳沢遺跡


長野県埋蔵文化財センターは29日、同県中野市の柳沢遺跡で昨年見つかった7本の銅戈のうち、1本が北部九州を中心に分布する「九州型」と判明したと発表した。  九州型の銅戈が、鳥取や広島など中国地方より東で出土したのは初めてで、弥生時代中期の交流を示す貴重な史料となりそう。センターは「これまでの認識を根底から覆す発見」としている。  残りの6本の銅戈はいずれも近畿地方を中心とする「大阪湾型」。九州型と大阪湾型が同時に見つかったのも初めてという。  センターによると、九州型の銅戈は長さ約34センチ。「綾杉文」と呼ばれる杉の葉のような文様が刻まれていた。  柳沢遺跡調査指導委員会の笹沢浩委員長は「近畿地方でも出土していない九州型の銅戈が見つかったのは驚き。今後、伝わったルートなどの解明に努めたい」と話した。  銅戈とともに出土した銅鐸は、表面の文様などから紀元前2世紀ごろに作られた古いタイプのものと分かった。
2008/02/29 12:20   【共同通信】

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Posted by on March 9, 2008 in Uncategorized


Rokutanda Iseki: Four Heian-period mokkan uncovered

Four wooden tablets (mokkan 木簡) were uncovered at the Rokutanda Iseki (六反田遺跡) in Hikone city, Shiga prefecture.

A “label mokkan” (荷札木簡), one measures 175 millimeters long, 15 millimeters wide, and 5 millimeters thick. Judging from the inscription (“Unpolished rice tax [of approximately 90 litres]”), the label was affixed to a delivery of unpolished rice levied from the area surrounding the site. The tag is believed to have been that used by a government official working within close vicinity.

The remaining three mokkan are an “archival mokkan” (文書木簡), measuring 275 millimeters long, 24 millimeters wide, and 3 millimeters thick), a “writing practice mokkan” (習書木簡), measuring 168 millimeters long, 35 millimeters wide, and 9 millimeters thick), and a (third) specimen impossible to decipher.

This recent find has bolstered archaeologists’ belief that the area was a distribution center of some sort equipped with a public facility. Prior excavations at the site revealed Heian-period village and river ruins.

For the 発掘調査成果報告会 document, see HERE; for the 現地説明会資料, see HERE.

木簡4本見つかる 彦根の六反田遺跡 平安期の施設裏付け

3月7日10時19分配信 京都新聞 [2008]

木簡4本見つかる 彦根の六反田遺跡 平安期の施設裏付け



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Posted by on March 8, 2008 in Uncategorized


Kashihara Iseki: Residence of Soga no Emishi?

Soga no Emishi (蘇我蝦夷;?~645), a powerful Asuka-period magnate and the father of the infamous Soga no Iruka (蘇我入鹿), is recorded in the Nihon Shoki as residing in the Unebi no Ie (畝傍の家). Archaeologists believe they have found this “Unebi no Ie” near the Kashihara Iseki (橿原遺跡) in Kashihara city, Nara prefecture.

Archaeologists discovered that roof tiles found near the Kashihara Iseki, recovered some 70 years ago and dating to the early 7th century, matched with those found at the Toyura-Dera Ato (豊浦寺跡) in Asuka-Mura (明日香村), Nara prefecture — a temple founded by Emishi’s father, Umako.

Together with the Amakashi no Oka Touroku Iseki (甘樫丘東麓遺跡) remains, which are posited by experts as holding the residence of Emishi and Iruka, father and son, this new discovery will most definitely prove useful in further understanding the consummately interesting Soga family during its golden years. Soga no Iruka, as most readers will recognize, was the son of Soga no Emishi, who, in turn, was the son of Soga no Umako. Umako is believed to have been interred in Ishibutai Kofun in Asuka-Mura. Iruka, of course, is known for his high-handed ways that resulted in his assassination in 645.

The tile sherd recovered at the Kashihara Iseki, the flower-petal design and scale of which matched those recovered near the Toyura-Dera temple remains, is of the nokimarugawara (軒丸瓦) type and measures 17 centimeters in diameter. The tiles are believed to have been fired at a kiln in Uji city, Kyoto prefecture.

According to the Nihon Shoki, Emishi established residences at Unebi no Ie, Amakashi no Oka, and Toyura no Ie. The Nihon Shoki records that Paekche (百済) emissaries were entertained at Unebi no Ie, and, immediately before the 645 Taika Coup (Taika no Kaishin 大化改新), a pond was built and the place fortified like a castle. Arrows were said to have been stockpiled in the armory, and 50 soldiers passed through its gates. The location of Unebi no Ie is said to have been east of Unebi Yama (畝傍山), a geographical identification that matches with the location of Kashihara Iseki.


蘇我蝦夷「畝傍の家」は橿原遺跡付近か、出土の瓦から判明2月28日14時41分配信 読売新聞[2008]


同遺跡で約70年前に出土した7世紀前半の瓦が、蘇我氏ゆかりの同県明日香村の豊浦(とゆら)寺跡で出土した瓦と一致した。近年の調査で同村の甘樫丘東麓 (とうろく)遺跡にあった可能性が高まった蝦夷・入鹿父子の邸宅とともに、絶頂期の蘇我氏の実像を探る重要な手がかりになる。

瓦は、軒先を飾る軒丸瓦(直径17センチ)の一部で、1938~40年、橿原神宮外苑の工事に伴う発掘調査で、畝傍山の東約600メートルの井戸跡から出土。清水主任研究員が、瓦の文様を調査した結果、蘇我蝦夷の父、馬子が建立した豊浦寺跡付近で1977年に出土した瓦と、花弁の形や模様がそっくりで、同 じ型から作られたと判断した。京都府宇治市にあった瓦窯で生産されたとみられる。

日本書紀によると、蝦夷の邸宅については、「畝傍の家」「甘樫丘の上の宮門(みかど)の家」「豊浦の家」の記述がある。このうち、「畝傍の家」は 642年に百済の使節をもてなし、大化改新直前には「池を掘って城とし、武器庫に矢を積み、50人の兵士が出入りした」と記されている。場所は畝傍山の東 とされ、橿原遺跡は位置的にも一致する。






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Posted by on March 1, 2008 in Uncategorized