Monthly Archives: March 2011

Ikeda Kofun – Complete specimen of waterfowl haniwa discovered

Ikeda Kofun (池田古墳) is a 141-meter-long zenpōkōenfun (前方後円墳; keyhole-shaped tomb) dated to the first half of the fifth century and located in Wadayama-chō (和田山町), Asago city (朝来市), Hyōgo prefecture. It is the fourth largest kofun in the prefecture,  but ranks as approximately the 82nd largest in the archipelago.

It was announced on March 2, 2010, that eight waterfowl haniwa (水鳥形埴輪) were discovered during an investigation. Ikeda Kofun had previously produced an astounding 15 specimens of waterfowl haniwa, placing it on equal standing with Konda Gobyōyama Kofun (誉田御廟山古墳; believed to be the tomb of Emperor Ōjin [応神天王]; Habikino city [羽曳野市], Osaka prefecture), but this most recent find of an additional eight bird-shaped figurines makes it the greatest number found from one tomb in Japan (23 in total).

(picture source)

The eight figurines found during the most recent investigation were located along the bottom of the moat on the eastern side of the kofun, as well as along the fringe of the mound. This area near the center of the kofun, where the square front meets the rounded back of the tomb (sometimes called the “waist” of the keyhole-shaped tomb), bears a raised projection (台状遺構) on either side called a tsukuridashi (造り出し), which many believe served as a sacred space to hold funerary rituals (and perhaps succession rites.

Amongst the shattered figurines was a relatively perfect specimen – the first of its kind (seen in the picture above). Including its pedestal, which is believed to have been buried in the ground to secure the ritual figurine, it measures 48 centimeters tall, 21 centimeters wide, and 44 centimeters long. The haniwa exhibits great detail down to the finely rendered feathers, nostrils at the end of the beak, and its folded wings. The color and type of clay differs from the remaining figurines, conjuring a similar specimen found at Nara prefecture’s Suyama Kofun (巣山古墳; Katsuragi city [葛城市]).  The haniwa is brownish in color and contains biotite (kurounmo 黒雲母) in its clay, suggesting to researchers that it was not produced in Tajima, but perhaps rather in the Yamato or Kawachi area and transported for the burial.

Hanazono University Professor Takahashi Katsuhisa (高橋克壽) stresses the regional importance of Ikeda Kofun: Haniwa crafted in the shape of waterfowl, houses, and boats are first-class funerary items. The haniwa found at Ikeda Kofun were either transported directly from their place of manufacture in the Yamato area or were produced on-site by Yamato or Kawachi craftsmen.

The largest tomb of the Tajima region, Ikeda Kofun is believed to be the grave of a regional magnate controlling the Tajima-Tanba-Tango (但馬-丹波-丹後) area. As the use of waterfowl haniwa in ritual is also found in Yamato and Kawachi (the base of the Yamato court), some suggest that such a local ruler was sent from the growing “central” government and given jurisdiction over the eastern San’indō (山陰道). An additional interpretation is that of a local ruler tying himself into the growing Yamato court by adopting its customs.

Posited as the tomb of the ruler of the Tajima region, Ikeda Kofun is dated to the early to middle fifth century, placing it temporally after the local Wakasu Kofun (若水古墳; Asago city) and Jōnoyama Kofun (城ノ山古墳; Asago city), but one stage before Chasuriyama Kofun (茶すり山古墳; Asago city).

Towards the end of the square front of the keyhole tomb (the zenpōbu) is a projection on either side that stretches across the moat to the land on the other side (wataridote 渡土堤). Ikeda Kofun marks the first relatively complete investigation of such structures (note: these are different from the tsukuridashi located towards the “waist” of the keyhole shape). Eight waterfowl haniwa were previously found along the eastern wataridote.

While the kofun bears a tsukuridashi projection on either side (see the PDFs below for figures), researchers do not believe they served equal functions. The western tsukuridashi is of a different shape than the eastern, and yielded far less haniwa, and no waterfowl specimens.

The western tsukuridashi is separated by a small stone waterway that is believed to have served a ritual function: Water was (is) often used in purification ceremonies. Interestingly, a wooden conduit (mokuhi 木樋) was discovered during a previous excavation down the line from the stone waterway separating the tsukuridashi from the kofun.

Most large zenpōkōenfun that have both tsukuridashi and wataridote happen to be designated as imperial mausoleum (陵墓) and national historic sites (国指定史跡). The full investigation of both tsukuridashi has allowed researchers to understand that they are not both of the same construction or designed for the same purpose.

What is the purpose of a waterfowl-shaped haniwa?

Yamato Takeru is said to have turned into a great white bird when he died (see Philippi’s Kojiki, Book 2: Chapter 88).

Additionally, we read in Book 1: Chapter 34 of Philippi’s Kojiki the funerary roles of birds in Japanese mythology:

“Immediately in that place they built a funeral house. They made a wild goose of the river the bearer of the burial offerings: a heron the broom-bearer; a kingfisher the bearer of the food offerings; a sparrow the grinding woman; and a pheasant the weeping-woman.”

Birds are often found perched on the bows of boats in kofun wall-paintings (装飾古墳): The bird, therefore, served as a guide or companion in the quest to the other world.

The well-known mirror unearthed from Samitatakarazuka Kofun (佐味田宝塚古墳), a late-4th/early-5th century zenpōkōenfun found in the Umami Kofun Group (馬見古墳群; the same kofun group that includes Suyama Kofun, discussed above), displays birds perched atop a roof.

(picture source; see picture source and this link for additional pictures and analysis)

The Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, and various local Fudoki (風土記) all contain myths that ascribe great importance to birds, and in particular, roosters (ニワトリ), which reside in the temporal sphere between the dead night and living day.

Such representations of birds can be found in both the Yayoi and Kofun periods. Wooden effigies of birds are not uncommon, either: Most notable are those found at Ikegami Iseki (池上遺跡) in Osaka and Asahi Iseki (朝日遺跡) in Aichi. Such wooden effigies are also found on the Korean peninsula and in Vietnam, attesting to a common animistic thread in ancient local beliefs (see page 80 in Tsuboi Kiyotari [坪井清足]’s Himiko no Jidai wo Fukugen suru [『卑弥呼の時代を復元する』], 2002).

Tsudōshiroyama Kofun (津堂城山古墳; see the Fujiidera City site for more information), which dates to the late 4th century and is considered the oldest tomb in the Furuichi Kofun Group (古市古墳群; the same group to which Konda Gobyōyama Kofun [誉田御廟山古墳] belongs [see above]), yielded several waterfowl-shaped haniwa, as well.

(picture source)

They were found secured within a depression made in a square platform (方墳状施設; 17 meters to a side) located within the moat — no doubt a ritual sphere.

(picture source)


For more information on Ikeda Kofun:

池田古墳発掘調査 (original source)

池田古墳調査成果の概要 (original source)


水鳥形埴輪 また8体/朝来・池田古墳


水鳥形埴輪、完全な形で初発見 兵庫の池田古墳から
2011/03/02 17:53   【共同通信】


池田古墳の水鳥形埴輪 最多
03月02日 18時42分


全国初、完全な形の水鳥形埴輪 朝来の池田古墳
■高橋克寿花園大学文学部教授の話 水鳥や家、盾、船などの埴輪は一流のもの。大和河内から直接運ばれたか、そこの技術者が携わったものに違いなく、池田古墳の重要性は高い。
(2011/03/02 21:32)


さらに強まる大和朝廷とのつながり 兵庫・朝来の池田古墳
2011.3.2 20:45


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Posted by on March 4, 2011 in Uncategorized