Monthly Archives: November 2010

Tsugeyama Kofun – Japan’s first excavation of an unpilfered kofun

This is exciting.

Picture from article (see below)

The singular Tsugeyama Kofun, located in Takatsuki city, Osaka prefecture, is dated to the first half of the 4th century. A fiberscope investigation revealed in 2002 that its contents — the bones of the interred and the burial goods — were untouched. On March 5, 2010, local authorities announced their intention to conduct a full-scale investigation of the tomb, including DNA testing.

What makes an immaculate, untouched, undisturbed tomb from the early 300s AD so fascinating is the secrets it is willing to tell. As the Kofun period is generally accepted as beginning around 250-300 AD, an untouched kofun constructed during this period’s formative stage has much to reveal about nascent Kofun culture. During FY2010, they will decide upon the investigative methods, and will begin their dig, at the earliest, in FY2011.

It measures a grand 88 meters and belongs to the zenpōkouenfun (前方後円墳; traditionally called “keyhole-shaped” in the English literature) class. Fukiishi (葺石; paving stones covering the outside of burial mounds) and a tateana-shiki stone chamber (竪穴式石室) were discovered during excavations conducted in 2002 accompanying residential development work.

A fiberscope investigation revealed rather startling contents: Visible to the camera was the skull of the interred, laying face-up, and triangle-rimmed beast and deity mirrors (三角縁神獣鏡), believed by many to be the same types of mirrors Himiko, the queen of the mysterious country of Yamatai, received from China (although this theory does have its detractors).

Located on the very edge of a hill, its existence went unknown for quite some time. The preliminary investigative dig conducted in 2002 in connection with the residential development was simply a perfunctory dig, but ended up revealing an immaculate specimen of a kofun.

Picture from article (see below); this is a picture from the investigation in 2006 taken with a digital camera.

It came to light in 2006 during an additional investigation (this time with a digital camera) that a slab of the stone chamber had collapsed and sent a crack running through (the/one of the) mirrors. The discovery of rampant mold kicked awareness for preservation measures into high gear.

While undisturbed sarcophagi, such as Fujinoki Kofun (Ikaruga, Nara prefecture), from which a gilt bronze crown was recovered, have undergone investigations in the past, an immaculate, untouched stone chamber (the interior of the burial mound, itself, which houses the sarcophagi and burial goods) is a first.

The stone chamber measures an estimated 7 meters long, 1 meter wide, and 1.3 meters tall, and is so narrow as to prevent a grown adult from standing inside. This will make excavation a truly difficult task. In addition, the walls of the stone chamber, which are formed by piled rock slabs only a few centimeters thick, slope inward toward a triangular peak. If excavators are careless and remove the wall stones without due care, the roof may collapse.

Authorities are currently working on constructing a life-size model of the stone chamber in order to aid in their discussion of how best to remove the stone walls and reinforce needed areas. Needless to say, outside air greatly increases the speed of deterioration of artifacts.

In order to maintain an acceptable temperature and humidity, the team will be borrowing technology used at the Takamatsuzuka Kofun excavation:  Air conditioning. The opened stone chamber will be covered with an air-conditioned roof of sorts.


The looting of kofun greatly increased attending the social chaos birthed at the end of the Heian period (794-1185). The famous Takamatsuzuka Kofun was broken into during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and suffered the destruction of its southern wall and the defamation of the wall mural of sujaku (朱雀). Testimony related to the looting of the Tenmu/Jitō Tennou Ryō (天武・持統天皇陵; Asuka-mura, Nara prefecture) revealed that two individuals had been interred in the stone chamber.

国内初の未盗掘古墳調査へ DNA鑑定も投入、万全の態勢
2010.3.5 14:04

Article retrieved 2010/11/28

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Posted by on November 28, 2010 in Uncategorized


Terasaki Shirakabezuka Kofun – 7th-century octagonal kofun one of the earliest of its kind?

Terasaki Shirakabezuka Kofun (寺崎白壁塚古墳) is of a two-tiered, square construction 30 meters to a side and 9 meters tall. Coursing around its base is a channel measuring 2 meters deep and 6 meters wide. The plaque at the site suggests that the site betrays Chinese geomantic influence. The internal burial facility is hewn of diorite (閃緑岩) and is of  Yokoguchi-shiki Sekkaku (横口式石槨) design (see here and here). The cracks between the hewn slabs have been filled in with mortar. While the plaque dates the burial mound to the first half of the 7th century from artifacts related to the site, the recent article from May 2010 provided below pushes it out to the mid-7th century, taking clues from its unique shape.

(Picture from article below)

While the plaque at the site refers to the burial mound as a hōkei-fun (方形墳), meaning of square design, archaeologists now suggest it is actually octagonal (八角形墳). Octagonal burial mounds are traditionally believed to have been the sole province of the imperial family from the mid-7th century, their shape believed to be sacred (a recent archaeological discovery has cast doubt on this designation, however).  Judging from its affinity to the contemporaneous Dannozuka Kofun (段ノ塚古墳; also known as Jomei Tennō-Ryō 舒明天皇陵), both in structure and in stone materials, it is believed to be the grave of Furuhito no Ōe no Miko (古人大兄皇子), son of Jomei Tennō (舒明天皇) and the half-brother of the future Emperor Tenji. Judging from its age, it is believed to be one of the oldest octagonal burial mounds.

This website has detailed pictures of the inside.

The plaque at the burial mound reads:

寺崎白壁塚古墳 (てらさきしらかべづかこふん)

【10年前のきょう】奈良・寺崎白壁塚古墳 最古級、八角形墳の可能性

2010.5.11 03:54



Article retrieved 2010/11/27

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Posted by on November 26, 2010 in Uncategorized


Identity crisis: 陵墓 and 陵墓参考地

The Imperial Household Agency (Kunaichō 宮内庁) has a special department to handle written works about the Imperial Family and manage imperial mausoleums known as the shoryōbu (書陵部; The Archives and Mausolea Department). They are responsible for compiling the official list designating which emperors are entombed in which kofun. Archaeologists sometimes find evidence that disagrees with the official designation, however.

Case in point: Nishitonozuka Kofun (西殿塚古墳; 234 meters; posited by some as the tomb of Himiko’s successor, Iyo/Toyo) is officially designated as the tomb of Tashiraka no Himemiko (手白香皇女). The problem with this designation is that Tashiraka no Himemiko, the legitimate wife of Emperor Keitai (継体天皇; 26th emperor) belongs to the 6th century. Nishitonozuka Kofun, however, is dated to the late 3rd century. This designation, therefore, does not hold water.

There are two status designations of interest defined by the Imperial Household Agency: Ryōbo and Ryōbosankōchi.

Ryōbo (陵墓) are those tombs established by the agency as imperial mausoleum.

Ryōbosankōchi (陵墓参考地), on the other hand, refer to burial mounds in which the interred cannot be unequivocally determined, but have a high likelihood of belonging to the Imperial Family.

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Posted by on November 26, 2010 in Uncategorized


Okita I Iseki – Oribeyaki foreign devil water dropper

A ceramic water-dropper from the Early Edo period (early 17th century) modeled on a foreign barbarian (nanbanjin 南蛮人, or European) was discovered in June (2010) at Okita site 1 (沖田Ⅰ遺跡) in Kitanaraoka (北楢岡), Daisen city, Akita prefecture.

Image taken from article (see below)

A water-dropper, or suiteki (水滴), was an implement used to dribble a small amount of water onto an inkstone when grinding an inkstick in order to produce a pool of ink. You can see the hole on its right shoulder where you would pour the water out; hidden from view is the other hole behind its left shoulder, in which you would fill it with water. It sports a hat, a frilled decoration worn about the neck, and what looks like a shirt with a row of buttons. It measures 6.5 centimeters tall and its base is 4 centimeters wide.

No such items are recorded as having turned up during previous Akita prefecture digs, but they have turned up here and there at the Sendai Castle ruins and in Sakai city, Osaka prefecture.

It is an example of Oribe-yaki (織部焼, or Oribe ware), which hails from old Mino province (southern Gifu prefecture). It appeared together with ceramic plates and bowls at the site of an old well, along a tributary that once flowed into the Omonogawa river (雄物川). Researchers suspect that the river may have been an active junction for the loading and unloading of goods.

南蛮人モチーフの陶器出土 大仙市北楢岡
大仙市北楢岡字沖田の沖田Ⅰ遺跡から、南蛮人をモチーフにした江戸時代初期の人形型水滴が出土し、市文化財保護課が専門家に照会して来歴などを調べている。帽子をかぶり、襟にひだ状の円形飾り。鼻が高く彫りの深い顔立ちなど異国情緒が表現されている。同課などによると、似たような出土品は県内では確認されておらず、仙台城跡や大阪府堺市などでわずかに見つかっている。水滴は高さ6・5センチ、底幅4 センチ。美濃地方(岐阜県南部)が主産地の織部焼で、すずりに水を注ぐ容器として使われた。人形の左肩後ろに水の注入口があり、右肩の穴から注ぐ仕組み。 鼻の穴やとがったあごなど顔部分が特に精巧に作られている。水滴は今年6月、圃場整備に伴う市の発掘調査で、井戸跡から皿やわんなどの陶器とともに出土。弘前大の関根達人教授(44)=考古学=の鑑定で、約 400年前の織部焼であることが判明した。出土場所は、かつて雄物川に注いでいた支流沿い。同課が河川交通による物資集散の場だったのかなどを調査してい る。(2010/11/16 13:45 更新)

(Article retrieved 2010/11/23)

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Posted by on November 23, 2010 in Uncategorized


Murohama Shell Mound

The findings of a recent investigation have archaeologists looking at the Murohama Shell Mound (kaizuka 貝塚, which are often called “kitchen middens,” “shell heaps,” or “shell mounds,” and refer to mounds of discarded shells and bones) in a new light. It was announced on November 18th, 2010, that the Murohama Shell Mound (located on Miyatojima island [宮戸島], Higashi Matsushima city [東松島市], Miyagi Prefecture [宮城県]) ranks as one of the largest Early Jōmon (c. 6,000 years ago) shell mounds in Japan.

Its discovery in 1929 revealed a stash of “Murohama Pottery” (室浜土器), which remains today an Early Jōmon benchmark. While an additional investigation was apparently conducted in 1936, both excavations were rushed and inadequate. Therefore, the city board of education began in December 2009 a new investigation to close the books on the Murohama Shell Mound.

The area under investigation was 150 square meters, and the shell layer stretched approximately 30 meters east-west and approximately 25 meters north-south, well earning its designation as one of the largest shell mounds within Japan. The shell layer was said to be in good condition, around 40 centimeters below the surface and deposited around 50 centimeters thick. According to the Board, “the Miyatojima island is considered to be home to the earliest Jōmon village in the Murohama region. A mound of this size for the beginning of the Early Jōmon period is unprecedented.” Two areas have been pinpointed as favorable candidates for former residential zones.

The dig revealed three main varieties of shellfish: Mytilus coruscus (イガイ; 貽貝/淡菜) and Turbo (Lunella) coreensis (スガイ; 酢貝), which were gleaned from the faces of rocks on the Pacific Ocean side, and Venerupis philippinarum (アサリ; 浅蜊/蛤仔/鯏), which were taken from the Matsushima Bay (松島湾) side. Jutting out into the ocean and separating the bay from the open water, the island offered a variety of environments to its inhabitants. In addition to shellfish, bird, tuna, red sea bream, wild boar, deer, sea bass, and iruka (while the article reads “イルカ,” I am curious whether it was dolphin or porpoise that was found) remains were uncovered, in addition to the characteristic Murohama Pottery.

Furthermore, bones belonging to nine bodies believed to have been interred around the Middle Jōmon were found toward the top of the shell layer. Judging from changes in pottery characteristics (型式 typology), it is believed that a village supporting 30 people was in existence there continuously over the span of 200-300 years. It is possible that various factors (perhaps population expansion) drove them to the Satohama Shell Mound (里浜貝塚; national historic site [国指定史跡]) area, located three kilometers away. The skeletons were sent to a research institution to determine age and sex.

The Murohama Shell Mound is a testament not only to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the Jōmon peoples, but to the richness of their diet.

<国内最大級の貝塚>宮城の室浜遺跡 マグロやマダイの骨も
毎日新聞 11月19日(金)16時12分配信

宮城県東松島市教育委員会は18日、室浜貝塚(同市宮戸)が縄文時代前期(約6000年前)の貝塚としては、国内最大規模の貝塚遺跡と判明したと発表し た。貝層の上部からは縄文中期ごろに埋葬されたとみられる9体分の人骨を発見。人骨は研究機関に依頼し、年代や性別などを特定する方針。室浜貝塚は、国指定史跡「里浜貝塚」のある宮戸地区室浜の丘陵地(標高10~20メートル)に形成。1929(昭和4)年に初めて発掘調査が行われた。この時に出土した土器が「室浜土器」と名付けられ、現在も縄文時代前期の基準となっている。1936年にも調査を行ったが、いずれも短期間で貝塚の全容は解明できなかった。このため、市教委は09年から全容解明を目指して調査を進めた。調査結果によると、貝塚の貝層の範囲は東西約30メートル、南北約25メートルで国内最大級とみられる。貝層は地表から約40センチ下で厚さ約50セン チにわたって堆積しており、状態は良好という。貝層からは貝殻の他、マグロ▽イルカ▽マダイ▽イノシシ▽シカなどの骨と室浜土器が出土。縄文人の活発な漁 労・狩猟活動と豊かな食生活が分かった。市教委は「室浜地域は宮戸島で最初に縄文人がムラを作って暮らした場所とみられる。縄文前期初頭の貝塚でこれほど大規模な発掘例はない」としたうえで、「今回の調査で周辺の地形やムラの構造が見えてきた」と、成果を強調している。市教委は20日午後1時半から市民を対象にした現地説明会を開く。【石川忠雄】

室浜貝塚は東北最大規東 東松島市教委調査「保存良好」

河北新報 11月19日(金)11時23分配信


(Both articles retrieved November 22, 2010)

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Posted by on November 22, 2010 in Uncategorized