
To reach me for questions, comments, or for a CV, please contact me at the following address (replace the “<at>” with an “@” sign when sending):


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3 responses to “Contact

  1. Dave Hackerson

    September 25, 2012 at 4:16 pm

    I recently discovered your site when perusing “Frog in a Well”. I have only recently begun to take an active interest in ancient Japanese history, particularly the period between 200 AD and 663 (the year in which the Battle of Hakusukinoe was fought). One thing that I find fascinating about this period is similarity between many of the kofun in Korea as well as Japan.

    You may have read about these places in your research on the kofun period, but they are rather fascinating sites located here in western Tokyo.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. Joseph Ryan

    December 11, 2012 at 8:32 am

    Thank you for your comment and kind words.

    There are indeed many similarities between the two countries. Amidst all the similarities, trying to understand why differences arose is also a fun and rewarding exercise.

    Thank you for the fascinating link, as well. I look forward to discussing this interesting period in Japan with you!

  3. Dave Hackerson

    December 13, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    I’m glad you enjoyed the link! There is a rather large kofun (大塚古墳)near Akiruno city hall which strangely has never been excavated. I wonder if the city or local researchers ever intend to excavate and unlock its secrets. Being located less than 2 km from the sites mentioned in the link I sent, and supposedly built during the same period, I can’t help but assume there must be some connection.

    I enjoyed the recent post about the man clad in full suit of armor who was found buried in volcanic ash in Gunma. One link I saw speculated that he may have been attempting to appease the gods and call on them to quiet the volcano. It will be interesting to see what further analysis produces.


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